full list of articles on WTO (live update)
original on inmedia Hong Kong
japanized: 15.Dec.2005, kz.














(信件將於12月17日作新聞發報, 並於12月18日的遊行裡以不同語言派給反WTO的遊行隊伍)

感謝您們遠道而來與我們分享您們的生命經歷, 讓我們意識到香港這個「購物天堂」是建基在貧困國家的農民和工人的血與汗之上。

感謝您們以友善的目光和笑容迎向我們, 儘管這個城市的人經常只顧自己的生活, 不理他人死活。

感謝您們不厭其煩地向香港的市民和媒體解釋世貿所帶來的禍害, 儘管您們的聲音不斷地被扭曲和淹沒。

感謝您們來到香港阻止世貿在這個城市達成協議, 阻止這個城市進一步成為殺害農民的幫兇。

感謝您們以行動告訴我們, 人的生存尊嚴, 比起經濟利益來得重要, 你們的到來, 為這銅臭的城市, 帶來一陣清新的氣息。

感謝您們把貧富不均、環境、剝削、外債、農民和不公平貿易和發展等民間國際議題, 引進這個建基在官商勾結的城市, 使這個城市走向多元和草根的國際化。

感謝您們以一致的步伐, 展示給我們看到團結的重要性, 使我們學會人民要團結一致, 互相支持, 長期抗爭, 才能爭取到民主。

感謝您們以色彩、歌聲、舞蹈和肢體語言, 帶來新的抗爭文化, 讓我們理解到, 遊行並不是向在上位者的沉默請求, 而是要顯示人民的力量和創造性, 是一種力量的表達。

這一切一切, 使我們感動和震撼, 希望在未來的歲月, 我們能再次加入你們的隊伍中, 肩並肩地爭取國際性的和平與公義 !

(聯署請寄 inmediahk@gmail.com 或於 www.inmediahk.net 的回應欄上自行簽署)

一群香港市民 :

english version:

A thank you letter to our international friends

Thank you for your coming here, from far away, to share with us your life stories, to make us aware that this "shopping paradise" is built upon the blood and sweat of peasants and workers from poor and developing countries;

Thank you for greeting us with your friendly smiles and looks, although people in this city very often only concern about their own livelihood but not others;

Thank you for your patience in explaining to us and our media the devastating effects of the WTO, although your voices have been distorted and submerged in the mainstream representation;

Thank you for your efforts in stopping the WTO agreement in this city, to stop this city for further conspiring to the killing of peasants;

Thank you for telling us, through your action about the meaning of human dignity, it is far more important than economic interest, you have brought along with you fresh air to this money stinking city;

Thank you for introducing international civil society agenda including poverty, environment, exploitation, debt, peasant, unfair trade and development issues to this city full of government and corporate collusion; these agenda can internationalize our city with diversity in the grassroots level.

Thank you for showing us, through the uniform foot steps the significance of solidarity; only through people’s solidarity, mutual support and long term struggle, can democracy be attained.

Thank you for the colors, songs, dances and body languages that you have introduced to our rally culture, it tells us that demonstration are not silent requests to the power, but a manifestation and expression of people’s power and creativities.

We are deeply touched and struck by all the things that you have shown to us. And we hope that in the future, we can join you, side by side together, to struggle for international peace and justice!

A group of Hong Kong people: